Why Can’t Man Accept His Destiny?

3 min readOct 1, 2021

Everyone experiences pain. Everyone will experience some sort of happiness. What makes us truly happy? Is it a beautiful woman/man that we want to spend our lives with? Is it the millions of dollars that we dream of acquiring? Is it the man who rides a camel alone through the desert? We all have dreams and goals. Whatever it is no matter the pain that you experience, you can’t let it paralyze you. The only thing you can do is trust. Trust that your intentions, that are a balance between your love and intellect can bring you whatever you desire. Just learn to intentionally flow. It is easier said than done of course but once you take the first step into trying to understand then the second step comes a lot easier. One might ask, what is your point? My point is let go and let it be. I have had to let go of things that even though they continue to lay in my heart I had to let it go. Wasting time and energy worrying and thinking about what you have to do next can become very draining and in modern times we need all the energy we can get. You know what you have to do so just do it. Doing it is very easy, especially if your mind and heart are aligned with each other. Pray to god and he will take care of the rest. Remember there are all seeing eyes that see all. There are all hearing ears that listen to all. You can’t avoid it, so be wise!

Looking to the stars to find answers,

As I stare, I only see my eyes looking back,

The answers sleep within me are waiting to come out,

Over the last month, my tower shattered.

Looking to put broken bricks back together.

I can’t find the missing pieces.

Trying to connect the unconnectable,

Asking questions to the stars,

Awaiting for their response,

Time wasted, Love lost,

Avoiding a spiritual holocaust,

My tower has been destroyed.

There is beauty behind it however,

Because no matter how severe the weather is,

A seed can always sprout.

I am the seed, I am just waiting for the sun to come out.

As the wheels of fortune continue to spin,

I see it is simply part of life,

The ups and downs, the invisible rollercoaster,

We all go through the motions.

The explosion that started it all, and the gas that continues to pour.

My flame within continues to burn, and my mind continues to earn,

I am not in poverty, and neither are you. There is too much on this plane,

Don’t ignore the pain, simply transmute it.

Make pain gain turning it into love.

Simply reach for the stars above.

But I continue to see my eyes looking back.

Is it possible to achieve enlightenment and emotional fulfilment?

Is it possible to achieve harmony and pure bliss?

Is it possible that the shot that I will take will not miss?

The infinite possibilities are presented,

Open the gifts that are under your spiritual Christmas tree,

And be open to the magic that will enter thee.

By: D.D

